I.            PURPOSE:

To share with you how I have come to understand the Lord.

Having grown up in a very religious background, my understanding of the Lord was shaped through church doctrine, not the Holy Spirit. I lived in a constant fear of God that caused me much guilt and shame (coming too from a life where guilt and shame was a norm for me from my childhood upbringing). I portrayed God as I did my dad: love, intermixed with abuse. All the while, constantly trying not to bring on his anger; and feeling like I was never perfect enough to keep his anger at bay. I subconsciously felt I was a disappointment in everything I did (developing a perfectionist mindset and behaviour)—this in turn making me feel I always disappointed God.

I grew up becoming a defeated human being. And being Born-Again at the age of 16, continued as a defeated Christian. All I did was wait my turn in this world, longing for the day my days on this earth were over and I was with the Lord—even though I often felt that some sin I would commit would instead send me to Hell (not Heaven).

Trying to be the Christian I expected of myself, had become an impossible chore—yet I didn’t give up trying—which continued those feelings of guilt and shame when I failed (over and over again). And church didn’t help; no matter which one I went to… they all seemed to share the same doctrinal message about me just being a “sinner saved by Grace”; and finding ways to remind me of my sinful nature and perpetual shortcomings. I felt church wasn’t there to build me up, but to make me an even more miserable Christian than I already was. So, I’d stopped going to church.

My life (and life as a Christian) all began to change when I heard and believed this “un-church” and “un-religious” message about a Loving God and a Holy Spirit indwelling that provided power, authority, and a correct understanding of who God the Father is. So, at age 38, getting Baptised in the Holy Spirit, I began the journey away from being a defeated Christian! And as I grew with His power and authority, knowing too He was not judging or condemning me for any failures, meeting me where I am to help to continually distance me from religion, guilt, and shame.

This is my desire too for you. To share with you an understanding of this transformation in my life through how I began to see scripture anew. And that, if you happen to find yourself stuck as a “defeated Christian”, or you’re tired of being “Bible-thumped” over the head by churches, you deserve the Freedom that you have been given through Christ Jesus. For, no matter what you do, you cannot minimize the True “Agape” Love that the Lord has for you!



II.            GUIDANCE:

A.   No matter what I share in this Bible Study booklet, always let the Holy Spirit be the one to interpret what is being said. He will always speak the Truth about a subject or verse, and as I genuinely try and share with His guidance, I will always be growing in the Lord and increasing my knowledge and understanding of Him. Thus, He may share with you in more detail, or more accurately. I am not, and should not be, your only source of understanding—He has given us an array of individuals who know Him; don’t be shy to let Him guide you to hear the right people.

B.   There is no perfect Bible translation. As such, I reference several different ones. I also have found that the Lord has me do an in-depth Greek/Hebrew analysis of verses or key words, and thus come up with a translation that differs from published ones. In such cases, I refer to the translation version as Provisions of Grace {PoG}. A {PoG} translation stems from the KJV/AKJV with meaning derived from the original Greek/Hebrew. {Italicized words} indicate that they are added for clarity or reference, not found in the original.

C.   When referencing "the Cross", I am attributing it to the entire life and ministry of Jesus: including His death, resurrection, ascension, and delivery of the Holy Ghost for and to mankind.

D.   The use of the word “Lord” references the Unified Trinity of God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

E.   Don’t be afraid to journal and take notes as you go. Your relationship with the Lord allows you to openly communicate with Him about anything in your life or about this Bible Study. This can feel odd at times if you are still developing a trust with Him; but the more you do it, the more you will recognise His voice and trust Him.


As the creation of this 52-Lesson Bible Study Book manifested, it came about in three primary sections (sets of lessons) over the course of three years. Each of these sets developed in its own way; also representative of the seasons of life I was in at the time.

Each section delves into more content, with more direction and understanding. The first section (set) mainly to gauge what you possibly currently believe before going into specifics of what I have come to believe through my relationship with the Lord; progressing into areas of similar topics. Some lessons referencing other lessons. You may even find it necessary to revisit some previous topics to look at them in a different perspective.

These sections also reflect a season of my life too—times of my life and the joys, happiness, trust, struggles, emotions, questioning, revelations, and difficulty are presented here. From Spirit to flesh. From highs and lows. From easy to hard. From joy to pain. From bound to free.

This is also not just about me sharing to you; but it is still an ongoing guideline for my own personal life. I may have insight and understanding, but that does not mean I've mastered each part in all my parts of life—nor am I saying I fully understand in all of its depth and breadth… that is actually a lifelong journey. I still have to learn, grow, fight, and follow what is being shared with me by the Lord through this life-journey (involving many others along the way).

Here is a simple breakdown of each section / set:

1.   Lessons 001 – 020: These lessons are set to help you to start thinking about how/what you believe or understand about the Lord (God the Father, Christ Jesus the Son, and Holy Spirit/Ghost). They are straight-forward in the breakdown of each lesson; but represent some of the fundamental basics (foundational elements) of where I have come to in my beliefs and understandings of the Lord.

2.   Lessons 021 – 040: These lessons start to become more guided in how I portray and convey what I believe and understand. Often giving short introductions to the verses to bring about a thinking / believing you may not be familiar with. Here I tackle topics that may be unknown or controversial to you. And for me, this is ok… even if you may not believe the same as what I have come to believe and understand.

3.   Lessons 041 – 052: These lessons, for me, represent a great deal of emotion. They reflect much of the battle I felt in this season between the flesh and the Spirit. How life challenged my own trust and reliance on the Lord. And how He is actively teaching me to be able to see the binding impact the world has on us versus the Freedom He designed us to truly live in (with the same ability Jesus himself learned as a human being like me—like you).


Through a relationship with the Father, we as children of the Father continue to come to understand His Heart. As such, we see that He truly is a Loving Father that is beyond measure and time. His jealousy for all of us is so great and always so good—He really does only want the best for us in any and all situations of life. And this Love was demonstrated through the pure heart and ministry of Jesus Christ—Jesus embodied the Spirit of the Father and in all ways showed us the Heart of the Father. This is what we believe and hold true in our hearts.

The following are beliefs and understandings through scripture that share some of what we hold true about the Love of the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.

·     God the Father Loves everyone in this world. So much so, that through the sacrificial giving of His Only Son (Christ Jesus), He has Gifted us Forgiveness, Righteousness, Health & Healing, and a personal intimate relationship with Him as a Father.

o   John 3:16-17. Romans 3:21-22. Hebrews 10:12. 1 Peter 2:24.

·     God is Love. This type of Love is not of our own ability, but God's unique "Agape" Love. This Love, and no other, is what is demonstrated to all the world from the Father. And this is the Love we gain in and through ourselves when we accept Him into our hearts. His only command to us is to Love Him and each other in that Agape Love which only comes from His ability in us. He brings us to Himself through Love, not punishment or hardship.

o   John 13:24. John 15:12. 1 John 3:23. 1 John 4:7,16. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

·     The Kingdom of Heaven / Kingdom of God is in us now. It is not a place yet to come (a future Heaven / Reign), or a ritual (religious activity); but Power and Righteousness and Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.

o   Matthew 6:33. Luke 17:21. Romans 14:17. 1 Corinthians 4:20.

·     All humans (all men, all women, all races, all identities, and all nationalities) are created equally and have always been so. We are all created in the likeness of the Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit; not only from the beginning of Creation, but now. This was clearly demonstrated in the ministry of Jesus; and is demonstrated now through Christ, to us from the Father, and in the working of the same Holy Spirit with and in males and females and any other identity (as there is no male and no female in Christ). The Lord is no respecter of persons.

o   Genesis 1:26-28. Acts 10:34-35. Romans 2:11. Galatians 3:26-28. Colossians 3:9-17.

·     Righteousness has been Gifted to all through the Completed Work of Christ Jesus. It has been Gifted to all of us by God's Grace through the finished Faith of Christ Jesus; not by our works (self-righteous acts), nor through the Law (which has been fulfilled by Christ). It is unto all, and upon all that believe.

o   Romans 3:21-22. Galatians 2:16. Ephesians 2:8.

·     Salvation is the God-Gifted deliverance and preservation of a person out from the ways of self, the world, and Satan; to live a Kingdom life now on earth. It exists for all, and becomes personal (manifests) upon believing in Jesus Christ as our Saviour. It is by God's Grace through Christ’s Faith; which we in turn believe, and thus come into salvation. It begins upon believing, and is fulfilled when a believer dies; guaranteeing eternal existence with the Lord. There is no other way to obtain salvation but by believing in Christ Jesus.

o   Luke 3:4-6. Acts 4:10-12. Romans 1:16. Romans 10:9-10. Romans 13:11. Ephesians 1:13-14Ephesians 2:8-9. Philippians 2:12-13. 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14. Titus 2:11.

·     The Holy Spirit has been gifted to every person on earth. He is with us all, and in all who accept His infilling. And this infilling does not differ from person-to-person (regardless of gender, age, status, culture, identity, or nationality)—for the Lord is no respecter of persons. For we are each given the same Holy Spirit as Jesus has.

o   John 15:26. John 16:7-11,13. Acts 2:1-18 (Joel 2:28-29). Acts 10:34-35. Romans 2:11. Galatians 3:26-28.

·    The Holy Spirit does not condemn us of the sins of our flesh; He only brings to light the Sin of not believing in Jesus Christ as our Saviour. When we do not accept the testimony of Truth from the Holy Spirit to believe in Christ Jesus, it is that Sin of not believing that is not forgiven. However, when we are Born-Again through believing on Him, that Sin is forgiven. All other sins (all the sins of the flesh) were forgiven once-and-for-all-time at the Cross, and it is not necessary to ask forgiveness of them.

o   Matthew 12:30-32. Mark 3:27-30. John 14:6. John 15:26. John 16:7-11,13. Hebrews 10:12. 1 John 5:6-11.

·     Gifts of the Holy Spirit are for all who believe as part of His Kingdom in us now. The Lord has blessed us with all Spiritual blessings and demonstrates Himself through signs and wonders; including miracles, healings, prophesy, words of knowledge, speaking in tongues, and more. Each one of us as believers can operate in all of the Holy Spirit's Gifts, just as Jesus Christ Himself demonstrated and more. They are both a testimony of Christ's accomplishment, and the Lord's Love to both believers and non-believers. The Lord’s Gifts are given “without repentance”—the Lord will not change His mind giving them, nor do you have to change to receive them.

o   Mark 16:16-18. John 14:12. Acts 4:29-31. Ephesians 1:3.

·     We exist in a duality of flesh and spirit—each one opposed to the other, creating a soul-conflict in this life. But we are not bound by the flesh when we live out of the Spirit (a choice). Jesus, as a human, demonstrated for us the full possibility of living from the Spirit above and beyond the limits of the flesh. We have that same ability as we Work out our Salvation, Break Strongholds, Renew our Minds, Forget our Past (Programming), Heal, and Overcome—seeing only now partially in the mirror what we are being changed into: from Glory to Glory.

o   Romans 6:12-23Romans 7:14-25Romans 8:1-392 Corinthians 3:17-18. 2 Corinthians 10:3-7Galatians 5:13-26Ephesians 4:17-24Philippians 3:13-16.

These become a testimony in our lives and relationship with Him. This experiencing of Him is what makes Him so personal—this is His Love towards us and for us. He wants to demonstrate Himself to us, so we can fully understand His Love for everyone on this earth. God Bless (As He Always Does).


V.            RESOURCES:

A.   As you go through these Bible Study lessons, I sometimes refer to my blog ( ) which also goes into sharing my missions and relationship with the Lord ( cBadenhorst – Missions ). This blog is written in a different format than these Bible Studies, so you might garner further insight into a subject from it.

B.   The following are resources referenced throughout this Bible Study Booklet (no royalties or funding received):




A thank you to Kelly and Joshua who are inspirational in this life-journey. And to all the family, friends, sponsors, and donors who have fed into this ministry and outreach.

If you would like to support this ministry and outreach, you may do so via our website or at:

(U.S.A. registered 501c3 Non-Profit Organisation)


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