Our makeup as a human being, plays a role in how we engage with the world around us; and the Lord as well. We are the Lord’s creation, made in a very specific way—a way that replicates the Tabernacle design He gave to Moses.

Knowing the different parts of our being gives us insight into the various ways our life is impacted.

I have found that the world around us works on our being from the outside-in; while the Spirit in our core being works from the inside-out. We can then see how each part of our being then is affected by the world or the Spirit.

We will learn how each part of the Moses Tabernacle represents our own parts of our being.



This 6-part series will delve into what we are as human beings in relation to our being as a “Tabernacle” (Temple).

One of the things I have focused on over the years with the Lord is an understanding of “Spirit, Soul, and Body”. I didn’t come to study this until I was in my first year of Bible College. What I learned helped me in my understanding of who I am as a created being; including where struggles and life occur. But what I learned didn’t quite sit well, nor fulfilled my Spirit. Thus, I proceeded to seek guidance from the Lord and with scripture.

The “architect” in me (the creative and visual side of me) longed for a better diagram to understand the relationship of Spirit, Soul, and Body. What I had been presented in Bible College was something on the lines of this:

I tried to improve it with circles, squares, triangles, overlaps, adjacencies, etc. All to no avail. But as I find with the Lord in my personal studies, is that I keep pushing into an understanding, and He took me all over in scripture and revelation—even to things I felt weren’t even connected. He also connected Heart, Mind, and Will in this understanding as well. Then, after several years with this plethora of information germinating in me, He showed me, not a new diagram to draw to tie it all together, but showed me a diagram He already designed that was what I was after: His designed Tabernacle given to Moses…

This is now so obvious to me, because we ARE the Temple (Tabernacle) of God. And for God, there is only one kind of “Tabernacle” (Temple) design; thus, it makes sense that the design He gave Moses was the same design He used in creating us. It is this comparative that we will investigate during this series.

·         Refer also:

We will begin this series by looking at an understanding of what it means that we are a “Tabernacle” (Temple)—and what that consists of. The Lord’s goal has always been to live in us through the completed work of Jesus Christ; however, before Jesus, the Lord did the next-best-thing, He chose to live among mankind.

To do this, the Lord instructed Moses to specifically build a Tabernacle (movable tent-structure) in a very precise, detailed way. This was, of course, a “shadow” of things to come; of which the design of this Moses Tabernacle (and following Temples) shows us an exact representation of what we are as a Tabernacle / Temple—of which He wants to dwell in. The Lord is so exact that He shows us our makeup through the design of the Moses Tabernacle. And for the Lord, there is only one kind of Tabernacle / Temple design; thus, it makes sense that the design He gave Moses was the same design He used in creating us.

We are made in THEIR Image (Genesis 1:26-27). They are a unified triune being (God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and Holy Spirit/Ghost), making up a Tabernacle themselves:

·         God the Father = Spirit (John 4:24).

·         Christ Jesus (Son of Man / Human) = Body (John 1:14).

·         Holy Ghost = Soul (John 14:26).

We too are triune beings. And in gist, when looking at the Tabernacle, we see each section in likeness as Them:

    · Spirit = the Most Holy of Holies.
        o The Heart being the doorway between the Spirit and Soul.

    · Soul = the Holy Place.
        o The Mind being the doorway between the Soul and Body.

    · Body = Courtyard.
        o Gate and fence representing our 5 senses (our connection to the world around us).

We will detail each of these areas and see how they pertain to our reality here on earth (each given a specific word in the original Greek): Spirit, Soul, Body, Heart, Mind, and even Flesh (which we already covered in the previous Bible Study lesson regarding our Identity—being our unrenewed “old” self). With this, we can then research and identify each part and address that specific part as needed for growth, healing, emotional wellbeing, unbelief, etc. to help us in this life here on earth—ideally, living from the inside-out (outwardly from the Spirit).

We too must understand that it is not just our spirit that is made Holy (into a Holy Spirit) when we are Born-Again; it is our whole being (Spirit, Heart, Soul, Mind, and Body) that are made Holy—being made into the Temple of the Holy Spirit. And nothing we do or don’t do will change that reality.

For further research you can do yourself regarding each element is using to do key-word searches, as well as Greek word search. Here are some examples to assist you (New Testament searches):

·         Spirit:    occurs 261 times in 234 verses in the KJV.

·         Heart:   occurs 105 times in 98 verses in the KJV.

·         Soul:      occurs 39 times in 36 verses in the KJV.

·         Mind:    occurs 56 times in 54 verses in the KJV.

·         Body:    occurs 135 times in 112 verses in the KJV.

·         Flesh:    occurs 149 times in 128 verses in the KJV.

I find it very interesting when you pull out each search to see how the verses start to parallel or build on each other. Additionally, one can even dig into the Greek word meanings for each to give depth to the words used that do not always show up in the various translations.

Our first reading will start by a summary of Israel as given by Stephen—starting with him being “accused” of saying that Jesus will destroy the Temple; then ending with him sharing how we have become the Temple!


II.            READING:    Acts 6:8-15 & 7:1-60 (TPT) {PoG}

Stephen, who was a man full of grace and supernatural power, performed many astonishing signs and wonders and mighty miracles among the people. 9 This upset some men belonging to a sect who called themselves the Men Set Free. They were Libyans, Egyptians, and Turks.

They all confronted Stephen to argue with him. 10 But the Holy Spirit gave Stephen remarkable wisdom to answer them. His words were prompted by the Holy Spirit, and they could not refute what he said. 11 So the Men Set Free conspired in secret to find those who would bring false accusations against Stephen and lie about him by saying, “We heard this man speak blasphemy against Moses and God.”

12 The Men Set Free agitated the crowd, the elders, and the religious scholars, then seized Stephen and forcefully took him before the supreme council. 13 One after another, false witnesses stepped forward and accused Stephen, saying, “This man never stops denigrating our temple and our Jewish law. 14 For we have heard him teach that Jesus of Nazareth will destroy the temple and change the traditions and customs that Moses handed down to us.”

15 Every member of the supreme council focused his gaze on Stephen, for right in front of their eyes, while being falsely accused, his face glowed as though he had the face of an angel!

1 The high priest asked, “Are these accusations true?”

2 Stephen replied, “My fellow Jews and fathers, listen to me. The God of glory appeared to our ancestor Abraham while he was living in Iraq and before he moved to Haran in Syria. 3 God said to him, ‘Go! Leave behind your country and your relatives. Begin your journey and come to the land that I will show you.’

4 “So Abraham left southeastern Iraq and began his journey. He settled in Haran and stayed there until his father passed away. Then God had him move to the land of Israel with only a promise. 5 Although God gave him no parcel of land he could call his own, not even a footprint, yet he promised Abraham that he and his descendants would one day have it all. And even though as yet Abraham had no child, 6 God spoke with him and gave him this promise:

‘Your descendants will live in a foreign land with a people who will make slaves of them and oppress them for four hundred years. 7 But I will judge the nation that enslaves them, and your descendants will be set free to return to this land to serve and worship me.’

8 “Then God entered into covenant with Abraham, which included the requirement of circumcision. So when he became the father of Isaac, he circumcised him eight days after his birth.

9 “Isaac then became the father of Jacob, who was the father of our twelve patriarchs. Jacob’s sons became jealous of their brother Joseph and sold him to be a slave in Egypt. But God’s favour and blessing rested upon Joseph, and in time, 10 God rescued him from all his oppression and granted him extraordinary favour before Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Pharaoh appointed him as the overseer of his nation and even of his own palace.

11 “Then a devastating famine came over all of Egypt and Canaan, bringing great misery to the people, including our ancestors, who couldn’t find food. 12 But when Jacob learned that there was food in Egypt, he sent his sons, our ancestors, on their first trip to purchase grain for their family. 13 On their second trip to Egypt, Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers, and because of this, Pharaoh learned about Joseph’s family and where he came from.

14 “Joseph sent for his father, Jacob, and his entire family, a total of seventy-five people, to come and reside in Egypt. 15 Eventually, Jacob died there, along with all of his sons, our forefathers. 16 Their bones were later carried back to the promised land and buried in Shechem, in the tomb Abraham had purchased for a sum of money from the sons of Hamor.

17 “The time drew near for God to fulfil the prophetic promise he had made to Abraham. Our Jewish people had increased greatly in number, multiplying many times over while in Egypt.

18 “Another king, who had forgotten how Joseph had made their nation great, arose to rule over Egypt. 19 He was an abusive king who exploited our people with his smooth talk. With cruelty he forced our ancestors to give up their little boys as he committed infanticide!

20 “Then Moses came on the scene—a child of divine beauty.  His parents hid him from Pharaoh as long as they could to spare his life.  After three months they could conceal him no longer, 21 so they had to abandon him to his fate. But God arranged that Pharaoh’s daughter would find him, take him home, and raise him as her own son. 22 So Moses was fully trained in the royal courts and educated in the highest wisdom Egypt had to offer, until he arose as a powerful prince and an eloquent orator.

23 “When Moses turned forty, his heart was stirred for his people, the Israelites. 24 One day he saw one of our people being violently mistreated, so he came to his rescue, and with his own hands Moses murdered the abusive Egyptian. 25 Moses hoped that when the people realized how he had rescued one of their own, they would recognize him as their deliverer. How wrong he was! 26 The next day he came upon two of our people engaged in a fist fight, and he tried to break it up by saying, ‘Men, you are brothers! Why would you want to hurt each other?’

27 “But the perpetrator pushed Moses aside and said, ‘Who do you think you are? Who appointed you to be our ruler and judge? 28 Are you going to kill me like you did the Egyptian yesterday?’

29 “Shaken by this, Moses fled Egypt and lived as an exile in the land of Midian, where he became the father of two sons. 30 After forty years had passed, while he was in the desert near Mount Sinai, the Messenger of Yahweh appeared to him in the midst of a flaming thorn bush. 31 Moses was astonished and stunned by what he was seeing, so he drew closer to observe this marvel. Then the Lord Yahweh spoke to him out of the flames:

32 ‘‘I am the living God, the God of your ancestors. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and             Jacob.’

“Trembling in God’s presence and overwhelmed with awe, Moses didn’t even dare to look into the fire. 33 “Out of the flames the Lord Yahweh said to him:

‘Take the sandals off your feet, for you are standing in the realm of holiness. 34 I have watched and seen how my people have been mistreated in Egypt. I have heard their painful groaning, and now I have come down to set them free. So come to me, Moses, for I am sending you to Egypt to represent me.’

35 “So God sent back to Egypt the man our people rejected and refused to recognize by saying, ‘Who appointed you to be our ruler and judge?’ God sent this man back to be their ruler and deliverer, commissioned with the power of the messenger who appeared to him in the flaming thorn bush. 36 This man brought the people out from their Egyptian bondage with many astonishing wonders and miracle signs—miracles in Egypt, miracles at the Red Sea, and miracles during their forty-year journey through the wilderness. 37 This is the same Moses who said to our ancestors, ‘The Lord God will raise up one from among you who will be a prophet to you, like I have been. Listen to everything he will say!’

38 “Moses led the congregation in the wilderness and he spoke face-to-face with the angel who spoke with him on the top of Mount Sinai. Along with our ancestors, he received the living oracles of God that were passed down to us. 39 But our forefathers refused to obey. They pushed him away, and their hearts longed to return to Egypt.

40 “While Moses was on the mountain, our forefathers said to Aaron, ‘Make us gods to lead us, because we don’t know what has become of this Moses who brought us out of Egypt.’

41 “So they made a god, an idol in the form of a bull calf. They offered sacrifices to it and celebrated with delight what their own hands had made.

42 “When God saw what they had done, he turned away from them and handed them over to the worship of the stars of heaven,  as recorded in the prophetic writings:

‘People of Israel, you failed to worship me when you offered animal sacrifices for forty years in the wilderness. 43 Instead you worshiped the god Moloch, and you carried his tabernacle, not mine. You worshiped your star-god, Rephan. You made idols with your hands and worshiped them instead of me. So now I will cast you into exile beyond Babylon.’

44 “God gave Moses the revelation of the pattern of the tabernacle of the testimony. By God’s command, he made it exactly according to the specifications given to him for our ancestors in the wilderness. 45 The next generation received possession of it, and under Joshua’s leadership they took possession of the land of the nations, which God drove out in front of them. The tabernacle was carried about until 46 David found loving favour with God and prayed for a dwelling place for the God of Jacob, 47 but it was Solomon who built him a house.

48 “However, the Most High God does not live in temples made by human hands, as the prophet said:

49 ‘Heaven is my throne room and the earth is but a footstool for my feet. How could you possibly build a house that could contain me?’ says the Lord Yahweh. ‘And where could you find a place where I could live? 50 Don’t you know that it is my hands that have built my house, not yours?’

51 {“You are stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears!} Why would you be so stubborn as to close your hearts and your ears to me? You are always opposing the Holy Spirit, just like your forefathers! 52 Which prophet was not persecuted and murdered by your ancestors? Name just one! They killed them all {Luke 11:47-51}—even the ones who prophesied long ago of the coming of the Righteous One! Now you follow in their steps and have become his betrayers and murderers. 53 You have been given the law by the visitation of angels, but you have not obeyed it.”

54 When they heard these things, they were overtaken with violent rage filling their souls, and they gnashed their teeth at him. 55 But Stephen {being full of the Holy Spirit,} fixed his gaze into the heavenly realm and saw the glory and splendour of God—and Jesus, who stood up at the right hand of God.

56 “Look!” Stephen said. “I can see the heavens opening and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God to welcome me home!”

57 His accusers covered their ears with their hands and screamed at the top of their lungs to drown out his voice. 58 Then they pounced on him and threw him outside the city walls to stone him. His accusers, one by one, placed their outer garments at the feet of a young man named Saul of Tarsus.

59 As they hurled stone after stone at him, Stephen prayed, “Our Lord Jesus, accept my spirit into your presence.” 60 He crumpled to his knees and shouted in a loud voice, “Our Lord, don’t hold this sin against them.” And then he died.



A.      Physically built Temple (destroyed), Jesus’s Temple, and us as a Temple:

John 2:19-22 (TPT)

Jesus answered, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it up again in three days.” 20 Then the Jewish leaders sneered at Jesus’ answer, “This temple took forty-six years  to build, and you mean to tell us that you will raise it up in three days?” 21 But they failed to understand that Jesus was speaking of the “temple” of his body.  22 The disciples remembered his prophecy after Jesus rose from the dead, and believed both the Scripture and what Jesus had said.

Matthew 27:50-51 (TPT)

Jesus passionately cried out, took his last breath, and gave up his spirit. 51 At that moment the veil in the Holy of Holies was torn in two from the top to the bottom. The earth shook violently, rocks were split apart…

2 Corinthians 6:16b (TPT)

For indeed, we are the temple of the living God, just as God has said: I will make my home in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people.

Question: What happened with the physically-built Temple—did it still serve a purpose after the Cross?

B.      Temple sacrifices and forgiveness of sin—Jesus our permanent sacrifice:

Hebrews 9:1-11 (TPT)

Now in the first covenant there were specific rules for worship including a sanctuary on earth to worship in. 2 When you entered the tabernacle you would first come into the holy chamber where you would find the lampstand and the bread of his presence on the fellowship table. 3 Then as you pass through the next curtain you would enter the innermost chamber called, the holiest sanctuary of all. 4 It contained the golden altar of incense and the ark of covenant mercy, which was a wooden box covered entirely with gold. And placed inside the ark of covenant mercy was the golden jar with mystery-manna inside, Aaron’s resurrection rod, which had sprouted, and the stone tablets engraved with the covenant laws. 5 On top of the lid of the ark were two cherubim, angels of splendour, with outstretched wings overshadowing the throne of mercy.  But now is not the time to discuss further the significant details of these things.

6 So with this prescribed pattern of worship the priests would routinely go in and out of the first chamber to perform their religious duties. 7 And the high priest was permitted to enter into the Holiest Sanctuary of All only once a year and he could never enter without first offering sacrificial blood for both his own sins and for the sins of the people.

8 Now the Holy Spirit uses the symbols of this pattern of worship to reveal that the perfect way of holiness ad not yet been unveiled. For as long as the tabernacle stood 9 it was an illustration that pointed to our present time of fulfilment, demonstrating that offerings and animal sacrifices had failed to perfectly cleanse the conscience of the worshiper. 10 For this old pattern of worship was a matter of external rules and rituals concerning food and drink and ceremonial washings which was imposed upon us until the appointed time of heart-restoration had arrived.

11 But now the Anointed One has become the King-Priest of every wonderful thing that has come. For he serves in a greater, more perfect heavenly tabernacle not made by men, that is to say, not a part of this creation. 12 And he has entered once and forever into the Holiest Sanctuary of All, not with the blood of animal sacrifices, but the sacred blood of his own sacrifice. And he alone has made our salvation secure forever!

Romans 3:24-26 (TPT)

Yet through his powerful declaration of acquittal, God freely gives away his righteousness. His gift of love and favour now cascades over us, all because Jesus, the Anointed One, has liberated us from the guilt, punishment, and power of sin!

25 Jesus’ God-given destiny was to be the sacrifice to take away sins, and now he is our mercy seat because of his death on the cross. We come to him for mercy, for God has made a provision for us to be forgiven by faith in the sacred blood of Jesus. This is the perfect demonstration of God’s justice, because until now, he had been so patient—holding back his justice out of his tolerance for us. So he covered over the sins of those who lived prior to Jesus’ sacrifice. 26 And when the season of tolerance came to an end, there was only one possible way for God to give away his righteousness and still be true to both his justice and his mercy—to offer up his own Son. So now, because we stand on the faithfulness of Jesus, God declares us righteous in his eyes!

Question: Read also the remainder of Hebrews 9 & 10 to understand the former customs and regulations of the Temple and sacrifices. Do we have to do the same offering of sacrifices (ask for forgiveness) for our sins now?

C.      Our distinct and interconnected parts of our Tabernacle / Temple (Body, Mind, Soul, Heart, Spirit):

1 Thessalonians 5:23 (TPT)

Now, may the God of peace and harmony set you apart, making you completely holy. And may your entire being—spirit, soul, and body—be kept completely flawless in the appearing of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One.

3 John 1:2 (TPT)

Beloved friend, I pray that you are prospering in every way and that you continually enjoy good health, just as your soul is prospering.

Hebrews 4:12 (TPT)

For we have the living Word of God, which is full of energy, like a two-mouthed sword.  It will even penetrate to the very core of our being where soul and spirit, bone and marrow meet! It interprets and reveals the true thoughts and secret motives of our hearts.

Hebrews 10:22 (TPT)

we come closer to God and approach him with an open heart, fully convinced that nothing will keep us at a distance from him. For our hearts have been sprinkled with blood to remove impurity, and we have been freed from an accusing conscience. Now we are clean, unstained, and presentable to God inside and out!

Galatians 4:6 (TPT)

And so that we would know that we are his true children, God released the Spirit of Sonship into our hearts—moving us to cry out intimately, “My Father!  My true Father!”

Matthew 22:37b (TPT) {PoG}

Jesus answered him, “ ‘Love the Lord your God with every passion {all} of your heart, with all the energy of your being {soul}, and with every thought {your mind} that is within you.’

Question: Can you start seeing that there are specific roles and means for each part of our being?



A.      Study out the connections and flows between (through) the Body, Mind, Soul, Heart, Spirit. When these parts are unhindered / unveiled / unfiltered:

·         What are the benefits in your relationship with the Lord?


·         What are the benefits to your relationships here on earth?


·         What are the benefits to your mental, physical, and emotional health?

B.      Have you seen how other cultures or religions seek out these areas of Body, Mind, Soul, Heart, Spirit and the connections between and through each?

C.      Review the scriptures associated with the different parts of the Moses Tabernacle, our Triune Makeup, the Lord’s Triune Makeup, and then also the scriptures that define our different parts of Body (and Flesh), Mind, Soul, Heart, and Spirit. Take time to familiarize yourself with the different parts and take notes as to what you feel speaks to you. The following are relevant scriptures and topics:

Links below to

Temple (Tabernacle) of God

·         2 Corinthians 6:16b (Temple of the Living God)

·         John 2:19-20 (Jesus as the Temple)

·         Hebrews 9:1-11 (More Perfect Tabernacle)

·         1 Corinthians 3:10-17 (Holy Temple and Defilement)

 Triune Beings and Makeup

·         1 Thessalonians 5:23 (Spirit, Soul, and Body)

·         3 John 1:2 (Soul and Health)

·         Galatians 4:6 (Spirit into our heart)

·         Hebrews 3:7-8,12-13 (Heart and Unbelief)

·         Hebrews 4:12 (Soul, Spirit, Heart)

·         Hebrews 8:10 (Mind and Heart)

·         Hebrews 10:22 (Heart, Conscience, Body)

·         Romans 8:5-8 (Flesh, Spirit, Mind)

·         Romans 12:1-2 (Bodies, Living Sacrifice, Holy, Mind)

Body and Flesh

·         1 Corinthians 6:19b-20 (Body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit)

·         Romans 6:6-12 (Body and Sin)

·         Romans 8:9-13 (Flesh, Body, Sin)

·         Romans 12:1-2 (Bodies as Living Sacrifice)


·         Philippians 4:4-9 (Heart, Mind, Thinking)

·         Romans 7:21-25 & 8:1-7 (Conflict, Flesh, Carnally Minded, Spirit)

·         Romans 12:1-2 (Renewing of Mind)

·         2 Corinthians 3:12-16 (Heart and Mind Veils)

·         James 1:5-8 (Wisdom, Double-Minded)

·         2 Corinthians 4:3-4 (Blinded Minds)

·         2 Corinthians 11:3 (Minds Corrupted)

·         Ephesians 4:17-19 (Vanity of the Mind, Ignorance)

·         2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (Strongholds, Imaginations)

·         Ephesians 4:20-24 (Renewed in the Spirit of Your Mind)



·         Matthew 11:28-30 (Rest in our Soul)

·         Matthew 22:37 (Love the Lord with all Heart, Soul, Mind)

·         Mark 8:34-37 (Loses Soul)

·         1 Peter 2:11-12 (War Against the Soul)

·         James 5:19-20 (Saving a Soul)

·         2 Peter 2:7-8 (Tormented Soul)

·         1 Thessalonians 5:23 (Soul Preserved)

·         3 John 1:2 (Soul Prospers)


·         Mark 4:14-20 (Seed Sown on Heart)

·         Acts 8:36-38 (Belief by Heart)

·         Romans 10:9 (Belief in Heart)

·         Matthew 9:4-7 (Mind of Heart)

·         Luke 9:46-48 (Thought of Heart)

·         John 14:27 (Troubled Heart)

·         John 16:6,22 (Sorrowful Heart)

·         Matthew 13:15 (Heart Waxed Gross)

·         Hebrews 3:7-19 (Hardened Heart)

·         Mark 6:49-52 (Hardened Heart)

·         Mark 16:14 (Unbelief, Hard Heart)

·         1 John 3:19-24 (Heart Condemns)

·         Hebrews 10:16-22 (Conscience and Heart)

·         Acts 24:16 (Conscience)

·         1 Timothy 1:5 (Pure Heart)


·         Romans 8:16 (Spirit & Our Spirit)

·         1 Corinthians 2:11-12 (Spirits)

·         1 Corinthians 6:17 (Joined Spirit)

·         Romans 8:9-11 (In the Spirit)

·         Galatians 4:6-7 (Spirit of His Son)

·         1 Corinthians 15:45-53 (Adam = Soul / Christ = Spirit)

·         Matthew 18:18 (Will / Bind and Loose)

·         Mark 16:15-18 (Will / Go Into All World)

·         1 Corinthians 12:4-7 (Gifts of the Spirit)

·         Galatians 5:22-23a (Fruits of the Spirit)

·         John 15:1-5 (Vine and Fruit)



A thank you to Kelly and Joshua who are inspirational in this life-journey. And to all the family, friends, sponsors, and donors who have fed into this ministry and outreach.

If you would like to support this ministry and outreach, you may do so via our website or at:

(U.S.A. registered 501c3 Non-Profit Organisation)


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