We have all been given the same Holy Spirit—as such, we have all been given the same Gifts.

Let us freely give and use those Gifts, as they are provided without debt (hence why it is called a gift).


I.            TOPIC:

We want to look at Gifts.

These Gifts (as with all Gifts from the Lord) are given to you because you are Unconditionally Loved by Him as His child. Unconditional in that it has nothing to do with your merit (working for it to earn it / the Law), but on His Love. Just as He called Jesus His Child, so are you. And just as Jesus was freely given all these Gifts, so are you.

You are fully given the ability to operate in each and every one of these Gifts at any one time, multiple times, or together at times. This is what Jesus and the Disciples demonstrated for us. So, even though you may find yourself more comfortable or confident in a specific Gift (“in season”), you must not restrict the Lords Work in you to operate in any of the other Gifts (“out of season”)—2 Timothy 4:2.

With these Gifts, remember, the greatest of these Gifts is the Lord’s Agape Love (as we learned in a previous Bible Study – Lesson 033). As being the greatest, though, it does not discount or make any of the other Gifts irrelevant or discontinued. It says we must operate in all the gifts through the gift of Agape Love—that without performing these Gifts through Love, we are only calling attention to ourselves, not to the Lord. Hence how “a noisy gong or clanging cymbal” tries to make people pay attention to you, not the Gift from the Lord.

Let us not hide these Gifts or discount them, for they are a Testimony of and to the Lord!

The verses following are an overview of where we read about the Gifts, not looking in depth at what each Gift is, but looking at how Jesus and others operated in these Gifts to demonstrate for us that we too operate in them.

We are first going to look at that greatest Gift being Love, but also read about all the other Gifts given with verses that show both Jesus and others operating in these Gifts.


II.            READING:    1 Corinthians 13:1-13 (EXB)

I may speak in ·different languages [tongues] of people or even angels. But if I do not have love, I am only a ·noisy [resounding] ·bell [gong] or a ·crashing [clanging] cymbal. 2 I may have the gift of prophecy. I may understand all ·the secret things of God [mysteries] and have all knowledge, and I may have faith so great I can move mountains. But even with all these things, if I do not have love, then I am nothing. 3 I may give away everything I have, and I may even give my body ·as an offering to be burned [to be burned]. But I gain nothing if I do not have love.

4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not ·jealous [envious], it does not brag, and it is not ·proud [arrogant; conceited; puffed up]. 5 Love is not ·rude [disrespectful], is not ·selfish [self-serving], and ·does not get upset with others [is not easily provoked/angered]. Love does not ·count up [keep a record of] wrongs that have been done. 6 Love ·takes no pleasure [does not rejoice] in ·evil [wrongdoing; injustice] but rejoices over the truth. 7 Love ·patiently accepts all things [bears all things; or always protects], ·always trusts [believes all things], ·always hopes [hopes all things], and ·always endures [endures all things].

8 Love never ·ends [fails; falls short]. There are gifts of prophecy, but they will ·be ended [cease; pass away]. There are gifts of ·speaking in different languages [or ecstatic utterance; tongues], but those gifts will ·stop [cease; fall silent]. There is the gift of knowledge, but it will ·come to an end [pass away; be set aside]. 9 ·The reason is that [For] ·our knowledge and our ability to prophesy are not perfect [we know in part/imperfectly and we prophesy in part/incompletely]. 10 But when ·perfection [the perfect; completeness; wholeness] comes, the ·things that are not perfect [partial] will ·end [pass away; be set aside]. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I ·stopped [set aside] those childish ways. 12 ·It is the same with us [For…]. Now we see ·a dim reflection [obscurely; or indirectly], ·as if we were looking into a mirror [through a glass darkly], but then we shall see ·clearly [face to face]. Now I know only a part, but then I will know fully, as ·God has known me [I am fully known]. 13 So these three things ·continue forever [endure; remain]: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.


A.      For by “God’s Grace” and “Christ’s Faith” we are saved—for they are Gifts to us (Ephesians 2:4-10). These Grace and Faith Gifts are the beginning of our Salvation; for without them, we have no hope for salvation. Yet, the Gifts do not stop there, but continue because of God’s ongoing Grace. And Christ’s “one Faith” is what we all have been given—this is the “amount of faith” we’ve been given.

Romans 12:3-8 (EXB)

Because God has given me ·a special gift [his grace], I have something to say to everyone among you. Do not think you are better than you are. [Instead] You must ·decide what you really are [think sensibly; think with sober discernment] ·by [based on; in accordance with] the amount of faith God has given you. 4 [For just as] Each one of us has ·a [one] body with many parts, and these parts all have different ·uses [functions]. 5 In the same way, we are many, but in Christ we are all one body, and each part belongs to all the other ·parts [members]. 6 We all have different gifts, each of which came because of the grace God gave us. The person who has the gift of prophecy should use that gift ·in agreement with the faith [or in proportion to their faith]. 7 Anyone who has the gift of serving should serve. Anyone who has the gift of teaching should teach. 8 Whoever has the gift of ·encouraging [exhorting] others should ·encourage [exhort]. Whoever has the gift of giving to others should give ·freely [generously]. Anyone who has the gift of being a leader should ·try hard when he leads [lead diligently/enthusiastically]. Whoever has the gift of showing mercy to others should do so with ·joy [cheerfulness].

                     i.            Matthew 4:23-25 (EXB)

Jesus went everywhere in Galilee, teaching in the synagogues, preaching the ·Good News about [Gospel of] the kingdom, and healing ·all [or every kind of] the people’s diseases and sicknesses. 24 The ·news [fame] about Jesus spread ·all over [or as far as] Syria, and people brought all the sick to him. They were suffering from different kinds of diseases. Some were in great pain, some ·had demons [were demon-possessed], some were epileptics, and some were paralyzed. Jesus healed all of them. 25 ·Many people [Great crowds] from Galilee, the ·Ten Towns [Decapolis; the area east of Lake Galilee that once had ten main towns], Jerusalem, Judea, and ·the land across [beyond] the Jordan River followed him.

                   ii.            Acts 20:22-28 (EXB)

But now [indeed; behold] ·I must obey the Holy Spirit and [bound/compelled by the Spirit, I must] go to Jerusalem. I don’t know what will happen to me there. 23 I know only that in every city the Holy Spirit ·tells [warns; testifies to] me that ·troubles and even jail [chains and persecutions/afflictions] wait for me. 24 [But] I don’t ·care about my own life [consider my life worth anything]. ·The most important thing [or My only goal] is that I ·complete [finish] my ·mission [task; course; race; 2 Timothy 4:7; Hebrews 12:1], the ·work [ministry; service] that ·the Lord Jesus gave me [I received from the Lord Jesus]—to ·tell people [testify/witness to] the ·Good News [Gospel] about God’s grace.

25 “And now [look; behold], I know that none of you among whom I was ·preaching [proclaiming] the ·kingdom of God [kingdom] will ever see ·me [my face] again. 26 So today I ·tell [testify/witness to] you that ·if any of you should be lost, I am not responsible [I am innocent/clean of the blood of everyone; Ezekiel 33:9], 27 because I ·have told [have not held back from telling] you ·everything God wants you to know [or the whole purpose/plan/will of God]. 28 ·Be careful for [Keep watch over] yourselves and for all the ·people [flock] the Holy Spirit has ·given to you to oversee [made you overseers/guardians; John 21:16]. You must be like shepherds to the church of God, which he ·bought [or obtained] with the ·death of his own Son [with the blood of his own (Son); or with his own blood].

                  iii.            Ephesians 4:1-6 (EXB)

[Therefore,] As a prisoner ·for [because I belong to; or in] the Lord, I urge you to ·live [walk] in a manner worthy of the calling ·you have received [to which you were called]. 2 ·Always be [or Be completely] humble, gentle, and patient, ·accepting [putting up/bearing with] each other in love. 3 Make every effort to preserve the unity ·of [provided by; available through] the Spirit ·in [through] the ·peace that joins us together [bond of peace]. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, and God called you to ·have one hope [one hope of your calling]. 5 There is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism. 6 There is one God and Father of everything. ·He rules everything and is everywhere and is in everything […who is over all and through all and in all].

                 iv.            Hebrews 3:12-14 (EXB)

So brothers and sisters, ·be careful [see to it] that none of you has an evil, unbelieving heart that will ·turn you away from [desert; forsake] the living God. 13 But encourage each other every day while it is “today” [meaning the time of opportunity to be saved]. ·Help [Encourage] each other so none of you will become hardened ·because sin has tricked you [by sin’s deception]. 14 [For] We all ·share in [or have become partners with] Christ if [indeed; in fact] we ·keep [hold firm] till the end the sure ·faith [conviction; confidence] we had in the beginning.

Question: Which do you function in? Do you believe about yourself that you can function in one’s you haven’t yet?

B.      Though we can all operate in each and every Gift at any given time, we as humans tend to be more comfortable operating in the Gifts we find we have confidence in. As such, the Lord takes this into account and treats each of us as parts of a whole. Each strength we have that differs from someone else makes us a unique part of the “Body of Christ” giving us all the Gifts through the entire Body of believers. This is the meaning behind “not all” being a specific Gift-operator. This too, that each of us grow and mature in Christ differently as someone else—thus one person’s Gift-strength may be developed more than another; yet, make a whole.

1 Corinthians 12:1-11; 27-31 (EXB)

Now, brothers and sisters, I don’t want you to ·misunderstand [be uninformed] ·about [concerning; or in regard to your question about] spiritual gifts. 2 You know the way you lived ·before you were believers [when you were pagans/Gentiles]. You let yourselves be influenced and led away to worship idols—things that could not speak. 3 So I want you to understand that no one who is speaking ·with the help of [by means of; in the power of] God’s Spirit says, “Jesus be cursed.” And no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” ·without the help of [except by means of/in the power of] the Holy Spirit.

4 There are different kinds of gifts, but they are all from the same Spirit. 5 There are different ·ways to serve [ministries] but the same Lord to serve. 6 And there are different ·ways that God works through people [kinds of action; activities] but the same God works ·in all of us in everything we do [all things in all people]. 7 ·Something from the Spirit can be seen in [The manifestation/disclosure of the Spirit is given to] each person, for the common good. 8 The Spirit gives one person the ·ability to speak with wisdom [message/word of wisdom], and the same Spirit gives another the ·ability to speak with knowledge [message/word of knowledge]. 9 The same Spirit gives faith to one person. And, to another, that one Spirit gives gifts of healing. 10 The Spirit gives to another person ·the power to do miracles [works of power], to another ·the ability to prophesy [prophecy]. And he gives to another the ·ability to know the difference between good and evil [discernment/distinguishing of] spirits. The Spirit gives one person the ability to speak in different kinds of ·languages [or ecstatic utterance; tongues] and to another the ·ability to interpret those languages [interpretation of tongues]. 11 One Spirit, the same Spirit, does all these things, and the Spirit ·decides what to give [distributes just as he wishes to] each person.

27 ·Together you [You; the Greek is plural] are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of that body. 28 In the church God has ·given a place first to [appointed/placed first] apostles, second to prophets, and third to teachers, then those who do ·miracles [acts of powers], those who have gifts of healing, those who can help others, those who are able to ·govern [lead], and those who can speak ·in different languages [or with ecstatic utterance; different kinds of tongues]. 29 ·Not all are apostles [Not all are apostles, are they? (vv. 29–30 are all rhetorical questions assuming a negative answer)]. Not all are prophets. Not all are teachers. Not all do miracles. 30 Not all have gifts of healing. Not all speak ·in different languages [or with ecstatic utterance; in tongues]. Not all interpret those ·languages [tongues]. 31 But ·you should truly want to have [eagerly desire; be zealous for] the greater gifts.

                     i.            John 6:12-14 (EXB)

When they ·had all had enough to eat [were filled/satisfied], Jesus said to his ·followers [disciples], “Gather the leftover ·pieces of fish and bread [pieces] so that nothing is wasted.” 13 So they gathered up the pieces and filled twelve baskets with the pieces left from the five barley loaves [2 Kings 4:42–44; Jesus’ miracle surpasses that of Elisha].

14 When the people saw this ·miracle [sign] that Jesus did, they said, “He must truly be the Prophet [probably the “prophet like Moses” of Deuteronomy 18:15–18] who is coming into the world.”

                   ii.            Acts 4:8-10 (EXB)

Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and you elders, 9 are you ·questioning [examining] us [today] about a ·good thing [good deed; act of kindness] that was done to a ·crippled [lame; sick] man? Are you asking us ·who made him well [or how he was made well/healed]? 10 We want all of you and all the people [of Israel] to know that this man was made well ·by the power [in/by the name] of Jesus Christ ·from Nazareth [or the Nazarene]. You crucified him, but God raised him from the dead. This man was ·crippled [lame; sick], but he is now ·well [healthy] and able to stand here before you because of the ·power [name] of Jesus.

                 iii.            1 Corinthians 14:13-19 (EXB)

[Therefore] The one who has the gift of ·speaking in a different language [or ecstatic utterance; tongues] should pray for the gift to interpret what is spoken. 14 If I pray ·in a different language [or with ecstatic utterance; in a tongue], my spirit is praying, but my mind ·does nothing [is unfruitful]. 15 So what should I do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will also pray with my mind. I will ·sing [sing praises/psalms] with my spirit, but I will also ·sing [sing praises/psalms] with my mind. 16 [Otherwise] If you ·praise God [or pronounce a blessing] with your spirit, those persons there ·without understanding [or without the gift; or who are inquirers/seekers] cannot say “Amen” [from a Hebrew term meaning “it is true”; 1 Chronicles 16:36] to your prayer of thanks, because they do not know what you are saying. 17 You may be thanking God ·in a good way [well enough], but the other person is not ·helped [edified; built up].

18 I thank God that I speak ·in different kinds of languages [or with ecstatic utterance; in tongues] more than all of you. 19 But in the church meetings I would rather speak five words ·I understand [with my mind] in order to teach others than thousands of words ·in a different language [or with ecstatic utterance; in a tongue].

Question: What do you believe about this? Are all Spiritual Gifts for/with/through every believer (as with Jesus)?

C.      As we also see, Jesus was first an Apostle, but also operated as a Prophet (speaking of the grace to come), Evangelist (spreading this grace message around), Pastor / Shepherd (guiding His Disciples and others), and a Teacher (educating and demonstrating to others the way Father God Works). Furthermore, we see His Disciples and Paul working in many of these as well—Paul being an Apostle to the Gentiles as well as a Teacher. And these Gifts were given to both men and women (Romans 16:7) as there is neither male nor female in Christ and the same Spirit works with and in all who believe (regardless of gender, age, identity, nationality, etc.).

Ephesians 4:7-13 (EXB)

Each one of us has been given the ·special gift of grace [grace; or gift], ·showing how generous Christ is [or in proportion to Christ’s gift; according to the measure of Christ’s gift]. 8 That is why it says in the Scriptures,

“When he ·went up [ascended] to the heights, he ·led a parade of captives [or took captives into captivity], and he gave gifts to people [Psalms 68:18].”

9 When it says, “He ·went up [ascended],” what does it mean? ·It means […except] that he first ·came down [descended] to the ·earth [or lower regions, namely the earth; or the depths of the earth; (probably refers to: 1. the Incarnation, though possibly, 2. Christ’s descent to Hades after his death (1 Peter 3:19–20), or 3. Christ’s descent through the Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2))]. 10 So the one who ·came down [descended] is the same one who ·went up [ascended] above all the heavens. ·Christ did that […in order] to fill ·everything with his presence [all things]. 11 And ·Christ gave gifts to people—he made some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to go and tell the Good News, and some to have the work of caring for and teaching God’s people [he himself gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors/shepherds, and teachers]. 12 ·Christ gave those gifts to prepare […to equip] God’s holy people for the work of serving, to make the body of Christ stronger. 13 This work must continue until we ·are all joined together in the same faith [or all reach unity in the faith] and in the same knowledge of the Son of God. We must become like ·a mature person [or the perfect Man; Christ], ·growing until we become like Christ and have his perfection [to the measure of the stature of Christ’s fullness].

                     i.            Hebrews 3:1-6 (EXB)

·So all of you [Therefore] holy brothers and sisters, who ·were called by God [are partners/partakers in a heavenly calling], ·think about [consider; focus on] Jesus, who ·was sent to us [or is our apostle; a commissioned messenger] and is the high priest ·of our faith [or whom we acknowledge/confess; of our confession]. 2 Jesus was faithful to God who appointed him just as Moses was faithful in God’s ·family [household; house]. 3 Jesus ·has [deserves; is worthy of] more honour than Moses, just as the builder of a house has more honour than the house itself. 4 [For] Every house is built by someone, but the builder of everything is God himself. 5 Moses was faithful in ·God’s family [all of God’s house; Numbers 12:7] as a servant, and he ·told [testified to] what God would say in the future. 6 But Christ is faithful as a Son over God’s house. And we are God’s house if we ·confidently maintain our hope [or maintain our courage and confident hope].

                   ii.            2 Timothy 1:1,11 (EXB)

From Paul, an ·apostle [messenger] of Christ Jesus by the will of God. ·God sent me to tell about […according to] the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus.

11 I was ·chosen [appointed] ·to tell that Good News [a preacher/herald] and to be an apostle and a teacher.

                 iii.            Revelations 1:1-3 (EXB)

This is the revelation ·of Jesus Christ [about Jesus Christ; or given by Jesus Christ; the author could be intentionally ambiguous], which God gave to him, to show his servants what must ·soon [quickly] happen. And Jesus sent his angel to ·show it [make it known] to his servant John, 2 who has ·told [witnessed; testified to] everything he has seen. It is the word of God; it is the ·message [witness; testimony] from Jesus Christ. 3 ·Blessed [Happy] is the one who reads the words of ·God’s message [the prophecy], and ·blessed [happy] are the people who hear this message and ·do [keep; obey] what is written in it [the context envisioned is a leader reading to a congregation]. ·The time is near when all of this will happen [For the time is near].

Question: For those you know who operate with the Gifts of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors/shepherds, and teachers… do they make you strong, unified, and mature; or do they make you feel worse about yourself?

D.      Once again, we are told that Love is the most important Gift. And thus, Speaking and Ministering will always edify the Body of Christ and Glorify God. We have to remember that it is the “correct knowledge” of the Lord that multiplies “grace and peace” (2 Peter 1:2).

1 Peter 4:7-11 (EXB)

The ·time is near when all things will end [end of all things is near]. So ·think clearly [be serious/alert] and ·control [discipline] yourselves so you will be able to pray. 8 Most importantly, love each other ·deeply [earnestly], because love ·will cause people to forgive each other for many sins [covers a multitude of sins; Proverbs 10:12; Luke 7:46–47]. 9 ·Open your homes [Be hospitable] to each other, without ·complaining [grumbling]. 10 Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good ·servants [stewards; managers] of God’s various gifts of grace [Romans 5:15–16; 6:23]. 11 Anyone who speaks should speak ·words from God [or oracles from God; or as one bringing God’s message]. Anyone who serves should serve with the strength God gives so that in everything God will be ·praised [glorified] through Jesus Christ. Glory and power belong to him forever and ever [Colossians 3:17]. Amen.

                     i.            Matthew 10:19-20 (EXB)

When you are arrested, don’t worry about what to say or how to say it. [For] At that time you will be given the things to say. 20 It will not really be you speaking but the Spirit of your Father speaking ·through [in] you.

                   ii.            Acts 4:31 (EXB)

After they had prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke God’s ·word [message] ·without fear [with boldness/confidence/courage].

                  iii.            Hebrews 6:9-11 (EXB)

·Dear friends [Loved ones; Beloved], we are saying this to you, but we ·really expect [are convinced/confident of] better things from you that ·will lead to [or accompany; come with] your salvation. 10 [For] God is ·fair [not unjust]; he will not forget the work you did and the love you showed ·for him [in his name] by ·helping [serving] his ·people [holy people; saints]. And he will remember that you are still ·helping [serving] them. 11 We ·want [desire for] each of you to ·go on with the same hard work [demonstrate the same zeal/diligence] ·all your lives [until the end] ·so you will surely get what you hope for [or until your hope is fulfilled/attained].


A.      James 1:17-18;22-25 (EXB) {PoG}

Every good ·action [or act of giving] and every perfect gift ·is from God [comes from above]. These good gifts come down from the ·Creator of the sun, moon, and stars [the father of lights; referring to God’s creation of the heavenly bodies (Genesis 1:14-19; Psalms 136:7-9; Jeremiah 31:35)], who does not change like their shifting shadows. 18 God ·decided [chose; willed] to give us ·life [birth] through the ·word of truth [true message] so we might be ·the most important [or the first of many; a kind of firstfruits; firstfruits were the first crops to be harvested and guaranteed the coming harvest; Exodus 34:22; 2 Thessalonians 2:13; Revelations 14:4] of all ·the things he made [or his creatures].

22 ·Do what God’s teaching says; when you only listen and do nothing, you are fooling yourselves [Be doers of the word, and not only hearers, deceiving yourselves; Luke 11:28; Romans 2:13]. 23 Those who hear God’s ·teaching [word] and do nothing are like people who look at ·themselves [their natural face; the face of their birth] in a mirror. 24 [For] They ·see their faces [gaze at themselves] and then go away and quickly forget what they looked like. 25 But ·the truly happy people are [blessed are] those who ·carefully study [look intently into; stoop down to look at] God’s perfect law that makes people free {Agape Love [probably refers to the law of Moses as it is fulfilled in Christ]}, and they ·continue to study it [persevere in it]. ·They do not forget what they heard, but they obey what God’s teaching says [not being a forgetful hearer but an active doer]. Those who do this will be ·made happy [blessed].

Thoughts: Not only are all these Gifts good and perfect from God, they are to be used—made manifest in your life. For keeping them at bay means you are not being a “doer”. Let’s be doers and demonstrating ourselves as members of the Body of Christ.

Just as we can manifest the Fruits of the Spirit, we can operate / manifest all these Gifts. We too, can “Just Be” (Him) in all these as we learned in the previous Bible Study (Lesson 034).



A thank you to Kelly and Joshua who are inspirational in this life-journey. And to all the family, friends, sponsors, and donors who have fed into this ministry and outreach.

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