Fruit comes naturally when connected to the source. He is our Vine, we are the branches from the Vine.

He supplies the nourishment for us to manifest His Fruit out from His Spirit in us.

And because we are perpetually connected, we can always produce fruit—to “Just Be Him”.



I.            TOPIC:

We want to look at the Fruit of the Spirit.

Simply put, this is a gift to and for us to use. As humans, we can strive so hard to live a fruit-life out of our own ability and strength (by works / the Law). Yet, as believers, we have His power and ability to live a life out of His strength!

Something the Lord shared with me was for me to “Just Be Me” (Just be Him). Over the almost 10 years since He shared that, I have been dwelling on understanding what it means for me. And what I have seen in my own life is that I’ve always strived to try and do the “things of the Lord”, but it always has felt difficult and burdensome—not natural.

But this is not because it is hard, but because of the programming that has kept me from manifesting Him naturally.

The comparison is like this: Doing it to be Healthy; vs. Doing it from a space of being Healthy.

What I mean by that, is that as we break-off the programming (strongholds) that cause restrictions and limitations in an area of my life, doing something in that area (post-healing) becomes natural (feels at ease to do). It is no longer “heavy” or “burdensome”—in essence become a fruit of my living. Example:

The “pressure” we feel to go to the gym to get healthy (the uphill battle to make myself go to the gym against the part of me that doesn’t want to go); vs. being in a space of “mental / emotional / physical health” that makes going to the gym feel free (no longer hindered by the things resisting me going to the gym).

So, it is less about the gym, and more about the part of me that needs healing to allow going to the gym to feel unburdened. Heal that part, and the natural want / tendency to go to the gym manifests.

We naturally bear the fruit of life that is going to the gym (or any you-specific area / thing).

We bear the fruit of the Spirit by our connection to life, not be striving to bear fruit—for a plant doesn’t strive to bear fruit, it strives for the source of life for fruit to naturally bear. And when we cultivate a plant to bear fruit, it often involves the removal of the things that don’t belong—not cutting it off, but cleaning, maintaining, elevating (lifting up its branches and leaves); and, for this world, removing the unhealthy things like pests and weeds.

God the Father is our Caretaker (Vine-Dresser of grapevines / vineyard), caring for (cultivating) Jesus as the Vine and us as the Branches. Because there is nothing impure or wrong with Jesus, there is nothing impure or wrong with us as Branches from Jesus. Jesus cannot produce anything that is not Righteous and Holy—you!

Remember, your status of “Righteous” and “Holy” has nothing to do with your actions or inactions (sins or non-sins)—but all to do with the Status of Jesus as Righteous and Holy. Thus, because, as Born-Again believers, we are indefinitely Righteous and Holy (because Jesus is Righteous and Holy), there is no want, need, or reason for branches to be pruned or cut off. Yes, a vine-dresser does do so with their vineyard (for some sprouting at the base), but that is only because of the corrupted nature of the plant—as Jesus is not corrupted, that need does not exist in His reality.

Since we will always be connected to the Vine (Jesus) without fear of being “cut-off”, we can rest in receiving the Life that comes from the Vine (Jesus). As a branch, you aren’t striving to find sun and water (Life), that is the Vine’s (Jesus’s) and Vine-Dresser’s (God’s) responsibility—and I have confidence They are doing that for us.

All-the-while, the Caretaker (God the Father) is busy tending to nourishing the Vine (Jesus) and nurturing the Branches (you and me). And He nurtures us by washing the mud and dirt off our leaves, keeping the pest off as best He can, and lifting us up into the sunlight—that is what tending to a vineyard looks like for the branches to bear much fruit. We can naturally and restfully bear that fruit as “just being” a branch that inherently made to do that.

For you and me, we too can take responsibility with Him in our own healing to remove things (unbelief) in us. Sometimes that does look like us “doing” to be healthy. But there are also those other times when we start doing from a space of healthy—that He cleansed and lifted us out of something, where all-of-a-sudden, we are naturally doing the things we were so oft striving to do.

We then, Just Be (Just Are) that fruit.

II.            READING: Bearing Fruit / Fruit of the Spirit

John 15:1-17 (DLNT) [From DLNT Footnotes] {PoG}

I am the true grapevine, and My Father is the farmer. 2 Every branch in Me not bearing fruit—[He lifts it up. That is, He lifts it up to the trellis in the spring, training and tending it so that it bears fruit next season]. And every branch bearing fruit—He cleans it in order that it may bear more fruit. 3 You are already clean, because of the word which I have spoken to you. 4 Abide [Remain, Continue, Stay] in Me, and I in you. Just as the branch is not able to bear fruit from itself unless it is abiding in the grapevine, so neither are you able unless you are abiding in Me. 5 I am the grapevine, you are the branches. The one abiding [that is, having a living reciprocal relationship with Jesus] in Me and I in him—this one bears much fruit. Because apart from Me, you can do nothing. 6 If anyone is not abiding in Me {that is to not believe in Him, as in not being Born-Again}—he was thrown outside like the branch, and was dried-up. And they gather them together, and throw them into the fire. And they are burned. 7 If you abide in Me {that is to believe in Him, as in being Born-Again}, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you want, and it will be done for you. 8 By this My Father is glorified—that you be bearing much fruit, and be disciples to Me. 9 Just as the Father loved Me, I also loved you. Abide in My love. 10 If you keep My commandments, you [are abiding] in My love—just as I have kept the commandments of My Father and am abiding in His love.

11 “I have spoken these things to you in order that My joy may be in you, and your joy may be made full. 12 This is My commandment: that you be loving one another just as I loved you. 13 No one has greater love than this: that one lay-down his {soul} for his friends. 14 You are My friends if you are doing the things which I command you. 15 I no longer call you slaves, because the slave does not know what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because I made-known to you everything which I heard from My Father. 16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you, in order that you may go and bear fruit and your fruit may remain, in order that He may give you whatever thing you ask the Father in My name. 17 I am commanding these things to you so-that you will love one another.

Galatians 5:22-25 (DLNT) {PoG}

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, {faith}, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 And the ones of Christ Jesus crucified the flesh, with its passions and desires. 25 If we are living by the Spirit, let us also be walking-in-line with the Spirit.



A.      The Fruit of the Spirit is Love (being the first / most important fruit). This is not just any Love, but the Lord’s Agape Love—as we learned in the previous Bible Study (Lesson 033). This unconditional Love is His Love towards us always. He so longs for us to experience that Love, He provides the ability for us to do so from Himself. We are instructed to not only Love others and ourself with this Love, but also Love Him back with this same Love. He first Loved us (1 John 4:19)—in that we didn’t have to “love Him first” for Him to then Love us. Let us Love then.

Philippians 1:9-10 (DLNT) [From DLNT Footnotes] {PoG}

And I am praying this: that your love may be abounding still more and more in knowledge and all perception 10 so that you may be approving the things mattering [being worth more, and thus, being excellent, superior, or essential], in-order-that you might be pure and {not troubled by a consciousness of sin until} the day of Christ.

1 John 4:7-8 (DLNT) [From DLNT Footnotes]

Beloved, let us be loving one another. Because [this love] is from God! And everyone loving has been born from God, and knows God. 8 The one not loving did not know God, because God is love.

Question: Have you ever found yourself Agape Loving someone unconditionally without understanding how?

B.       The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy. The Lord Themselves have joy. They celebrate when a person comes into the Kingdom, or we manifest His Gifts, or even just because we are His children—we are the treasure He gave all He had (Jesus) to redeem us. And, I feel, when we understand that joy He always has for us, it gives us strength—for the Lord’s joy to us is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Even in persecution, we can know the Lord has joy for us [not the persecution].

Matthew 13:44 (DLNT) [From DLNT Footnotes]

“The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure having been hidden in the field, which having found, a man hid. And from his joy [of it], he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

Acts 13:49-52 (DLNT)

And the word of the Lord was being carried through the whole region. 50 But the Jews incited the prominent worshiping women and the leading men of the city, and aroused a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out from their districts. 51 But the ones, having shaken-out the dust from their feet against them, went to Iconium. 52 And the disciples were being filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.

Question: Have you ever experienced joy in a time of trouble or doubt? Do you find yourself working for His joy?

C.      The Fruit of the Spirit is Peace. Often our fear can be directed at God—that we literally fear Him in that He is out to punish us; because fear involves punishment (1 John 4:18). This is why He desires us to be at peace with Him as He has made peace with us (Romans 5:1). And when we see God correctly, we multiply that peace in us.

James 3:17-18 (DLNT)

But the wisdom from-above is first pure, then peaceful, kind, yielding, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, sincere. 18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by the ones making peace.

2 Peter 1:2 {PoG}

Grace and peace are multiplied in you when you have the correct knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.

Question: When you learn about God, does it bring peace to you?

D.      The Fruit of the Spirit is Patience. The Lord is patient with us, longing for us to come to salvation (2 Peter 3:9). Jesus had to be patient as He experienced struggles as a human (relating to us). In some Bible translations, this word is called: longsuffering (G3115); but it doesn’t mean to suffer for a long time, but to have patient endurance, slow to avenge wrongs. When we struggle, He is there to bear the fruit through us of patience.

2 Corinthians 6:4-10 (DLNT)

... but in everything, as God’s servants, commending ourselves in great endurance— in afflictions, in constraints, in distresses, 5 in beatings, in prisons, in disturbances, in labours, in watchings, in fastings; 6 in purity, in knowledge, in patience, in kindness, in a holy spirit, in sincere love, 7 in the word of truth, in the power of God; through the weapons of righteousness for the right hand and the left; 8 through glory and dishonour, through evil-report and good-report; as deceivers and true ones, 9 as being not-known and being fully-known; as dying and behold we live, as being disciplined and not being put-to-death, 10 as being grieved but always rejoicing; as poor but enriching many, as having nothing and holding-on-to all things.

Colossians 1:9-14 (DLNT) {PoG}

For this reason we also, from which day we heard, do not cease praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the {correct} knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, 10 so that you may walk worthily of the Lord, toward total pleasing (of Him)—bearing-fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God; 11 being empowered with all power according-to the might of His glory, toward total endurance and patience; with joy 12 giving-thanks to the Father having qualified you for your part of the share of the saints in the light, 13 Who delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in Whom we have the redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

Question: Do you find it hard to hold back on “getting back” at someone who wronged you? Do you have patience with yourself or others with their own / your own timeline of healing?

E.       The Fruit of the Spirit is Kindness. It is this goodness (kindness) of God that leads us to repentance (Romans 2:4). He continues to show His Kindness to us as we too can do the same.

Ephesians 2:4-7 (DLNT)

But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even we being dead in trespasses, made-us-alive-with Christ—by grace you are saved— 6 and raised-us-with Him and seated-us-with Him in the heavenly-places in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that He might demonstrate in the coming ages the surpassing riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

Colossians 3:8-17 (DLNT)

But now you also, lay-aside all these things—wrath, anger, malice, blasphemy, filthy-language from your mouth; 9 do not be lying to one another—having stripped-off the old person with his practices, 10 and having put-on the new person being renewed to knowledge in-accordance-with the image of the One having created him, 11 where there is no Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free, but Christ is all things and in all persons.

12 Therefore, as chosen ones of God, holy and having been loved, put-on deep-feelings of compassion, kindness, humblemindedness, gentleness, patience, 13 bearing-with one another, and forgiving each other—if anyone has a complaint against anyone. Just as indeed the Lord forgave you, so also you forgive. 14 And over all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection. 15 And let the peace of Christ be arbitrating in your hearts—into which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. 16 Let the word of Christ be dwelling in you richly, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing each other with psalms, hymns, spiritual songs; with gratitude singing with your hearts to God. 17 And everything, whatever thing you may do in word or in deed, do all things in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving-thanks to God the Father through Him.

Question: If we always did the same kindness as the Lord, how different do you think this world would be?

F.       The Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness. The first Bible Study (Lesson 001) is that of the Nature and Character of God being Good. We must never forget this—not misinterpreting our definition of “good” with the human errors we experience when someone is trying to do good.

Romans 15:13-14 (DLNT)

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may be abounding in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

14 Now I am convinced, my brothers—even I myself concerning you—that you yourselves also are full of goodness, having been filled with all knowledge, being able also to admonish one another.

James 1:16b-19 (DLNT)

My beloved brothers, 17 every good gift-giving and every perfect gift-given is from-above, coming down from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. 18 Having willed it, He brought us forth by the word of truth so that we might be a kind-of firstfruit of His creatures. 19 You know this, my beloved brothers, but let every person be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow into anger.

Question: Do you see yourself as being full of goodness?

G.      The Fruit of the Spirit is Faith. Though some translations say “faithfulness”, the original word is faith (G4102). The Lord provides us with Faith. Faith is not what we demonstrate toward God (doing for Him to "move"), it's actually what God is doing through you. God manifested Himself through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:2), and it was credited to Jesus as Faith. Jesus demonstrated this for us and gifted us the exact same ability to do so as well. Thus, the manifestation of God in your life is literally Faith—being assured of a positive hope and proof of something we do not see going into it (becoming reality as the conclusion becomes visible).

Example: When the Lord has us approach a person who requires the healing of a crippled hand (as Jesus did), we go into the situation with assurance, of a positive hope that it will be healed, certain of the proof that it will, even though we won’t see it until it happens.

Hebrews 11:1 (DLNT) [From DLNT Footnotes]

Now faith is the assurance [that is, our subjective confidence about the future things. Or, substance, reality; that is, the objective present reality of the future things] of things being hoped-for [That is, future realities], the conviction [Or, the certainty, the being-convinced. Or, the proof, the evidence, the thing-convincing] of things not being seen [That is, unseen realities, past, present, and future].

Question: What manifests as Faith in your life?

H.      The Fruit of the Spirit is Gentleness. There is no gentleness in coming at someone with a rod to beat them, but of a shepherd’s staff that gently guides in love and patience; but also protects from outside dangers. This gentle shepherd’s staff (and protection) is why David says “Your rod and staff comfort me” (Psalms 23:4b)—this same gentle comfort is what we are told to us to use, not to hit a person (Proverbs 13:24)… you can’t hit and beat someone in or into comfort. Yet, we can be comforted in both gentleness and protection.

·         Refer also:

1 Corinthians 4:14-21 (DLNT)

I am writing these things not shaming you, but admonishing you as my beloved children. 15 For if you should have ten-thousand tutors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers. For I fathered you in Christ Jesus through the good-news. 16 Therefore I exhort you—be imitators of me. 17 For this reason I sent Timothy to you, who is my beloved and faithful child in the Lord, who will remind you as to my ways in Christ Jesus, just as I am teaching everywhere in every church. 18 Now some were puffed-up as-if I were not coming to you. 19 But I will come to you soon, if the Lord wills. And I shall come-to-know not the talk of the ones having been puffed-up, but the power. 20 For the kingdom of God is not in talk, but in power. 21 What do you want? Should I come to you with a rod, or with love and a spirit of gentleness?

Question: How do you approach someone (including your own child / someone else’s child) to help guide or correct them? How should a teacher correct a child in their class?

I.         The Fruit of the Spirit is Self-Control. Self-control involves strength. However, we must be cautious as our flesh desires to be the “strong one”. Yet, here we are gifted a strength above and beyond our flesh—one from the Spirit within us that dwelt in Jesus Christ; who was obedient even unto death (Philippians 2:8). His flesh wanted to quit, but He maintained self-control to adhere to God’s Will over His own flesh (Matthew 26:36-46).

Titus 1:7-9 (DLNT)

For the overseer must be blameless as God’s steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not a drunken one, not a brawler, not fond-of-shameful-gain, 8 but hospitable, a lover-of-good, sound-minded, just, holy, self-controlled, 9 holding-on-to the faithful word in accordance with the teaching, so that he may be able both to exhort with healthy teaching and refute the ones contradicting.

2 Peter 1:3-9 (DLNT) {PoG}

Because-of His divine power having granted us all things pertaining-to life and godliness through the knowledge of the One having called us by His own glory and virtue, 4 through which qualities He has granted us the precious and greatest things-promised in order that through these you might become sharers of the divine nature, having escaped-from the corruption in the world by evil desire; 5 and indeed for this very reason you having applied all diligence—in your faith supply virtue; and in your virtue, knowledge; 6 and in your knowledge, self-control; and in your self-control, endurance; and in your endurance, godliness; 7 and in your godliness, brotherly-love; and in your brotherly-love, love.

8 For these qualities being-present in you and increasing make you neither useless nor unfruitful in the {correct} knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 For the one in whom these qualities are not present is blind, being short-sighted, having forgotten the purification of his former sins.

Question: What are signs we are relying on the self-control of the flesh versus the Spirit?


A.      Luke 8:11-15 (DLNT)

Now the parable means this: the seed is the word of God. 12 And the people along the road are the ones having heard. Then the devil comes and takes away the word from their heart in order that they may not be saved, having believed. 13 And the people on the bed-rock are ones who are welcoming the word with joy when they hear it. And these do not have a root—they are ones who are believing for a time, and are departing in a time of testing. 14 And the seed having fallen into the thorns—these people are the ones having heard, and while proceeding are being choked by the anxieties and riches and pleasures of life. And they are not bringing-fruit-to-maturity. 15 And the seed in the good soil—these people are ones who, having heard the word in a good and fertile heart, are holding-on-to it and bearing-fruit with endurance.

Thoughts: Not having the fruit does not make you any less a Christian (or not a Born-Again believer). Out of the four seed examples, only the first one (along the road) are those who hear the Word of God and choose not to believe and are thus not Born-Again. The other three heard the Word and believed, being Born-Again. Of these three, one doesn’t bear fruit (but remains a believer), the second shows some fruit (also remaining a believer). The last bears full amounts of ripe fruit (as a believer). As such, it is possible to believe, be Born-Again, and not show fruit.


B.      John 5:20 (DLNT)

For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing. And He will show Him greater works than these, in order that you may marvel.

Thoughts: Jesus manifest all these same Fruits of the Spirit. He had to abide by the Spirit, always connected with the Father (just as we are always connected as well). Jesus also had the same flesh to overcome as we do, and showed us it is still possible to always manifest the Fruit of the Spirit.

What is interesting to me, is (as always), the Father never instructs us to do anything He Himself doesn’t do. Jesus only did what He saw His Father doing. So that Jesus demonstrated these same Fruits of the Spirit, shows us that these same Fruits is what the Father operates in.

In the previous Bible Study on Loves (Lesson 033), we saw that because God = Love, the same definition of Love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a is the same definition as to what God our Father does. Thus, we know too that the Father operates in these same Fruits of the Spirit.

Do we think that God doesn’t operate in these (bear the same Fruits)? I think sometimes our confusions about God make us think and believe He doesn’t—but He does.

Because of Who God is, He perpetually operates and manifest these Fruits. And He does so Naturally, just as we can too. For when we break our strongholds off and renew our minds, we set ourself free to just “be Me” (Him).

As the Lord shared with me:

I want you to be who I made you as (not made you to be, but made you as). You are already all you need to be, you just don't understand yet that that is what you already are. Just be Me. See Me. Read about Me. Talk to Me. Ask Me!

just be Me. That's the easiest thing you can do, to just be Me. You just THINK it's hard, but this is just it... an unrenewed mind is what keeps you from it being as easy. That's why this [renewing of the mind] is so important.”

… when you see Me, you break the hard shell that encases that aspect of life to be free to finally BE like ME. That is how you be like me; how you can Just Be—it is to break off the shell that binds.

I trust You as much as I can. It's not where I need to be. Let go of trying to "trust more" Chris. That's a stronghold. You can Be Me in this area of your life too. I don't know how Lord. I am showing you without you realizing it

Yes Father, Patience. A fruit of the Spirit. Don't try, just let that fruit of patience transform your life. You actually do care about others and life now Chris, this is why your struggle is. Jesus struggled as well on this earth--you see how much He cared through the frustration He showed. This is you now. This is part of being Me. Part of being Me also includes giving it to Me. Jesus had to learn this. Jesus had to go pray for whole nights; yet He saw more than you do now Chris. He prayed for Himself, for His disciples (see the frustration they caused Him,). He prayed for His purpose. He prayed for strength, He prayed for His life. He was / is just like you Chris. His struggle is your struggle. But He overcame that struggle through adversity—this is what adversity is... the struggle you feel of giving everything to me instead of caving in to this world and its ways. Adversity is the learning process by which to give Me that control.

These strongholds and “programming mistakes” are all the things trained in us (unintentional or not) that shouldn’t have been—that we need to heal from. These iniquities are often our survival-mechanisms from the womb and childhood, traumas that shape our life (even in adulthood), hurts and pains from others, or just the way the inherent nature of our environment adjusts our life. They layer upon us “hardened shells” that need to get broken-off through our own healing processes; revealing our True Nature inside us—us now “being Him".



A thank you to Kelly and Joshua who are inspirational in this life-journey. And to all the family, friends, sponsors, and donors who have fed into this ministry and outreach.

If you would like to support this ministry and outreach, you may do so via our website or at:

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