When we learn about the Lord through one of these Ministry Types, we get a glimpse of who the Lord is from that understanding. When an Apostle shares and demonstrates the Lord in them, we see Him from that perspective—the same when from a Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher.

As we experience the Lord through each as a collective, we form a greater picture of Him—and often in the time we need to hear / see Him in a season of life.

We each have the ability perform in them as well. And although, you may be more in-tuned in one Ministry Type, it does not mean we cannot each operate in all the Ministry Types in any given situation, season, or lifetime. Don’t limit what the Lord can do in and through you!


I.            TOPIC:

We want to look at Ministry Types (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor & Teacher).

These Gifts of Christ (separate from the Gifts of the Holy Spirit) are directly from the Lord to each of us for the benefit of the world. They each help both the Believer and Non-Believer in revealing [correct] aspects of the Lord.

These are not titles to be given, but just a reflection of our own personal ways of engaging in life. A person’s own nature and development might reflect characteristics that fall within a Ministry Type. This as us being an individual Body of Christ; but also a culmination of people that reflect a Ministry Type become the collective Body of Christ.

NB: Remember, this involves a discerning in us / them what those correct Characteristics of the Lord are (Bible Study Lesson 051)—for all humans (individually and collectively) demonstrate Characteristics that are / are not of the Lord… a reflection of Our Duality here on earth (Bible Study Lesson 045).

It then becomes that as individuals, we have within ourself a correct representation of the Lord (in relationship with Him / and what manifests out from us)—this being Love. And from each individual, a collective; with the combined Ministry Types able to correctly demonstrate all aspects of Christ / God in us. It takes all of us to represent the Lord.

For believers, we can learn from the person’s life those parts of them (within the Ministry Type) that reflect a correct Character and Nature of the Lord—when correct (Love), it eliminates whatever barriers / filters / veils we have towards the Lord, to embrace that safe and trusting relationship with Them.

In a similar fashion for a non-believer, these Ministry Types that reflect a correct Character and Nature of the Lord, become a demonstration and acknowledgement of the Lord (again, Love, safety, and trust) to break through any unbelief and lead a person to Christ (this being an extension of God’s Work to bring people to Christ).

Study how Jesus operated in each of these Ministry Types as examples for us, as we too can operate in each and all of these Ministry Types as well—with no restrictions based on gender, identity, nationality, race, age, iniquity, or any other description. We can study out also, the many various people after the Cross who filled those Ministry Types.

This is something I want to make clear here: that we have the exact same capabilities as Christ Jesus—“as He is, so are we in this world” (1 John 4:17b). Don’t limit yourself to just one of these, as you too can operate in all of them. One may feel more comfortable for us; or that we seem stronger in one over the others, but that does not negate His ability in you to perform all of them at any given time.

For you, one may be a life-long Ministry Type, but also filled with moments that are each of the others. Or, it may look to you as though there are different extended seasons of the different Ministry Types that play out in your lifetime. Or, it may be that you operate fully in each Ministry Type at any/every given situation for your whole life.

As such, let us not limit how the Lord wants to manifest each of them in and through you—whether it comes naturally or not—for each time you accept that role (for a moment, season, or life), we help one-another and help the Body of Christ (Bible Study Lesson 047).


II.            READING:    Ephesians 4:1-32 (GWT) {PoG}

I, a prisoner in the Lord, encourage you to live the kind of life which proves that God has called you. 2 Be humble and gentle in every way. Be patient with each other and lovingly accept each other. 3 Through the peace that ties you together, do your best to maintain the unity that the Spirit gives. 4 There is one body and one Spirit. In the same way you were called to share one hope. 5 There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is over everything, through everything, and in everything.

7 God’s favour has been given to each of us. It was measured out to us by Christ who gave it. 8 That’s why the Scriptures say: “When he went to the highest place, he took captive those who had captured us and gave gifts to people.”

9 Now what does it mean that he went up except that he also had gone down to the lowest parts of the earth? 10 The one who had gone down also went up above all the heavens so that he fills everything.

11 He also gave apostles, prophets, missionaries {evangelists}, as well as pastors {shepherds} and teachers as gifts to his church. 12 Their purpose is to prepare Gods people to serve and to build up the body of Christ. 13 This is to continue until all of us are united in our faith and in our {correct} knowledge about God’s Son, until we become mature, until we measure up to Christ, who is the standard. 14 Then we will no longer be little children, tossed and carried about by all kinds of teachings that change like the wind. We will no longer be influenced by people who use cunning and clever strategies to lead us astray. 15 Instead, as we lovingly speak the truth, we will grow up completely in our relationship to Christ, who is the head. 16 He makes the whole body fit together and unites it through the support of every joint. As each and every part does its job, he makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.

17 So I tell you and encourage you in the Lord’s name not to live any longer like other people in the world. Their minds are set on worthless things. 18 They can’t understand because they are in the dark. They are excluded from the life that God approves of because of their ignorance and stubbornness. 19 Since they no longer have any sense of shame, they have become promiscuous. They practice every kind of sexual perversion with a constant desire for more.

20 But that is not what you learned from Christ’s teachings. 21 You have certainly heard his message and have been taught his ways. The truth is in Jesus. 22 You were taught to change the way you were living. The person you used to be will ruin you through desires that deceive you. 23 However, you were taught to have a new attitude. 24 You were also taught to become a new person created to be like God, with a life that truly has God’s approval and is holy.

25 So then, get rid of lies. Speak the truth to each other, because we are all members of the same body.

26 Be angry without sinning. Don’t go to bed angry. 27 Don’t give the devil any opportunity to work.

28 Thieves must quit stealing and, instead, they must work hard. They should do something good with their hands so that they’ll have something to share with those in need.

29 Don’t say anything that would hurt another person. Instead, speak only what is good so that you can give help wherever it is needed. That way, what you say will help those who hear you. 30 Don’t give God’s Holy Spirit any reason to be upset with you. He has put his seal on you for the day you will be set free from the world of sin.

31 Get rid of your bitterness, hot tempers, anger, loud quarrelling, cursing, and hatred. 32 Be kind to each other, sympathetic, forgiving each other as God has forgiven you through Christ.



A.      An Apostle is “a delegate, messenger, one sent forth with orders” (G652: apostolos). Being an Apostle is not about a title, but a specific demonstration of the Lord. Some Apostles are from Jesus’s ministry—the 11 sent to the Jews, Paul sent to the Gentiles—others were as well. Each of them (including Jesus) being demonstrations to us of what an Apostle can be; each fulfilling their role differently as to what they were called to do—the role as an Apostle is not the same for everyone. For Jesus, He was THE Apostle for us all from God the Father. Note that being an Apostle does not make it that you perform miracles—the miracles come to anyone who believes.

Hebrews 3:1-2a (GWT)

Brothers and sisters, you are holy partners in a heavenly calling. So, look carefully at Jesus, the apostle and chief priest about whom we make our declaration of faith. 2 Jesus is faithful to God, who appointed him.

Romans 11:13 (GWT)

Now, I speak to you who are not Jewish. As long as I am an apostle sent to people who are not Jewish, I bring honour to my ministry.

Romans 16:7 (GWT) {PoG}

Greet Andronicus and Junia {G2458, a woman}, who are Jewish by birth like me. They are prisoners like me and are prominent among the apostles. They also were Christians before I was.

1 Peter 1:1 (GWT)

From Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ. To God’s chosen people who are temporary residents in the world and are scattered throughout the provinces of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.

Question: Do you believe that only the Disciples were Apostles (that when they died, there have been no more)? Have you found things about yourself that relate to being an Apostle?

B.      A Prophet is “someone speaking / singing by inspiration of the Lord / Spirit and being an interpreter of God” (H5030: nāḇî'; G4396: prophētēs; G4398: prophētis). The Old Testament contained many Prophets that spoke of the Will of the Lord—including Isaiah, King David, Daniel, Jeremiah, Joel, and Jonah. They (with others) foretold of the coming Messiah. These different Prophets (throughout centuries) spoke of the comfort and hope that there will be a Saviour for us—which came true with Christ and the Cross. For us, we can each have the Gift of Prophesy (G4394: prophēteia; G4395: prophēteuō) manifest for a person / moment; but the role of a Prophet is to carry that through in their daily lives for the edification and exhortation and comfort to people. This prophesy might be of the Lord in a global perspective, or might be for in the life of an individual.

Matthew 13:57 (GWT)

So they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “The only place a prophet isn’t honoured is in his hometown and in his own house.”

Luke 2:36-38 (GWT)

Anna, a prophet, was also there. She was a descendant of Phanuel from the tribe of Asher. She was now very old. Her husband had died seven years after they were married, 37 and she had been a widow for 84 years. Anna never left the temple courtyard but worshiped day and night by fasting and praying. 38 At that moment she came up to Mary and Joseph and began to thank God. She spoke about Jesus to all who were waiting for Jerusalem to be set free.

Acts 2:17-18 (GWT) {PoG}

‘In the last days, God says, I will pour my Spirit on everyone. Your sons and daughters will speak what God has revealed {G4395}. Your young men will see visions. Your old men will dream dreams.

18 In those days I will pour my Spirit on my servants, on both men and women. They will speak what God has revealed {G4395}.

Acts 13:1-3 (GWT) {PoG}

Barnabas, Simeon (called the Black), Lucius (from Cyrene), Manaen (a close friend of Herod since childhood), and Saul were prophets {G4396} and teachers in the church in Antioch.

2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set Barnabas and Saul apart for me. I want them to do the work for which I called them.” 3 After fasting and praying, Simeon, Lucius, and Manaen placed their hands on Barnabas and Saul, and released them from their work in Antioch.

1 Corinthians 14:1-5a (GWT) {PoG}

Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially the gift of speaking what God has revealed {G4395}. 2 When a person speaks in another language, he doesn’t speak to people but to God. No one understands him. His spirit is speaking mysteries. 3 But when a person speaks what God has revealed {G4395}, he speaks to people to help them grow, to encourage them, and to comfort them. 4 When a person speaks in another language, he helps himself grow. But when a person speaks what God has revealed {G4395}, he helps the church grow. 5 I wish that all of you could speak in other languages, but especially that you could speak what God has revealed.

Question: Has a Prophet revealed things to you that changed your life for the better and came true?

C.       An Evangelist is “someone that brings a message or proclamation of Good (including the Gospel and promise of Salvation)” (G2099: euangelistēs; G2097: euangelizō) . This has been angels and people. And moreso, Christ Jesus!

Matthew 11:2-6 (GWT) {PoG}

When John was in prison, he heard about the things Christ had done. So he sent his disciples 3 to ask Jesus, “Are you the one who is coming, or should we look for someone else?”

4 Jesus answered John’s disciples, “Go back, and tell John what you hear and see: 5 Blind people see again, lame people are walking, those with skin diseases are made clean, deaf people hear again, dead people are brought back to life, and poor people hear the Good News {G2097}. 6 Whoever doesn’t lose his faith in me is indeed blessed.”

Luke 2:8-14 (GWT) {PoG}

Shepherds were in the fields near Bethlehem. They were taking turns watching their flock during the night. 9 An angel from the Lord suddenly appeared to them. The glory of the Lord filled the area with light, and they were terrified. 10 The angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid! I have good news for you, a message that will fill everyone with joy. 11 Today your Saviour, Christ the Lord, was born in David’s city. 12 This is how you will recognize him: You will find an infant wrapped in strips of cloth and lying in a manger.”

13 Suddenly, a large army of angels appeared with the angel. They were praising God by saying, 14 “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace {good will towards mankind}!”

Luke 3:15-18 (GWT) {PoG}

People’s hopes were rising as they all wondered whether John was the Messiah. 16 John replied to all of them, “I baptize you with water. But the one who is more powerful than I is coming. I am not worthy to untie his sandal straps. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. 17 His winnowing  shovel is in his hand to clean up his threshing floor. He will gather the wheat into his barn, but he will burn the husks in a fire that can never be put out.”

18 With many other encouraging words, he told the Good News to the people {G2097}.

Acts 21:7-9 (GWT) {PoG}

Our sea travel ended when we sailed from Tyre to the city of Ptolemais. We greeted the believers in Ptolemais and spent the day with them. 8 The next day we went to Philip’s home in Caesarea and stayed with him. He was a missionary {G2099} and one of the seven men who helped the apostles. 9 Philip had four unmarried daughters who had the ability to speak what God had revealed {G4395}.

Galatians 1:11-12; 15-16 (GWT) {PoG}

I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the Good News {G4395} I have spread is not a human message. 12 I didn’t receive it from any person. I wasn’t taught it, but Jesus Christ revealed it to me.

But God, who appointed me before I was born and who called me by his kindness, was pleased 16 to show me his Son. He did this so that I would tell people who are not Jewish that his Son is the Good News {G4395}. When this happened, I didn’t talk it over with any other person.

2 Timothy 4:2-5 (GWT) {PoG}

Be ready to spread the word whether or not the time is right. Point out errors, warn people, and encourage them. Be very patient when you teach.

3 A time will come when people will not listen to accurate teachings. Instead, they will follow their own desires and surround themselves with teachers who tell them what they want to hear. 4 People will refuse to listen to the truth and turn to myths.

5 But you must keep a clear head in everything. Endure suffering. Do the work of a missionary {G2099}. Devote yourself completely to your work.

Question: What does it mean to you, “Good News”?

D.      A Pastor is “a person who ‘shepherds’ others in their care—guiding and overseeing individuals and/or groups of people” (G4166: poimēn). It is the Lord that Shepherds us in comfort (Psalms 23), but also is that Christ Jesus is our Shepherd. This role of Shepherding we take on, does NOT make people our flock, the role we take is that of helping guide the Lord’s flock—Jesus told Peter to “feed, tend to, furnish pasture for, nourish, cherish, and to supply the souls of Jesus’s sheep” (John 21:15-18).

Mark 6:32-34 (GWT) {PoG}

So they went away in a boat to a place where they could be alone. 33 But many people saw them leave and recognized them. The people ran from all the cities and arrived ahead of them. 34 When Jesus got out of the boat, he saw a large crowd and felt sorry for them. They were like sheep without a shepherd {G4166}. So he spent a lot of time teaching them.

John 10:14-18 (GWT) {PoG}

“I am the good shepherd {G4166}. I know my sheep as the Father knows me. My sheep know me as I know the Father. 15 So I give my life for my sheep. 16 I also have other sheep that are not from this pen. I must lead them. They, too, will respond to my voice. So they will be one flock with one shepherd {G4166}. 17 The Father loves me because I give my life in order to take it back again. 18 No one takes my life from me. I give my life of my own free will. I have the authority to give my life, and I have the authority to take my life back again. This is what my Father ordered me to do.”

Hebrews 13:20-21 (GWT) {PoG}

The God of peace brought the great shepherd {G4166} of the sheep, our Lord Jesus, back to life through the blood of an eternal promise. 21 May this God of peace prepare you to do every good thing he wants. May he work in us through Jesus Christ to do what is pleasing to him. Glory belongs to Jesus Christ forever. Amen.

Question: How has the Lord Shepherded you? What does it look like to help Shephard the Lord’s flock?

E.       For Teachers, they “teach, instruct, instil doctrine, impart instruction, have discourse with others, explain and expound on something of the Lord” (G1320: didaskalos). Both His Disciples and other people considered Jesus as a Teacher (Rabbi / Master). But we also see how Paul and we can also be teachers as well. How Jesus and others taught is critical to how we teach as well.

John 13:12-17 (GWT) {PoG}

After Jesus had washed their feet and put on his outer clothes, he took his place at the table again. Then he asked his disciples, “Do you understand what I’ve done for you? 13 You call me teacher {G1320} and Lord, and you’re right because that’s what I am. 14 So if I, your Lord and teacher {G1320}, have washed your feet, you must wash each other’s feet. 15 I’ve given you an example that you should follow. 16 I can guarantee this truth: Slaves are not superior to their owners, and messengers are not superior to the people who send them. 17 If you understand all of this, you are blessed whenever you follow my example.

Acts 13:1-3 (GWT) {PoG}

Barnabas, Simeon (called the Black), Lucius (from Cyrene), Manaen (a close friend of Herod since childhood), and Saul were prophets and teachers {G1320} in the church in Antioch.

2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set Barnabas and Saul apart for me. I want them to do the work for which I called them.” 3 After fasting and praying, Simeon, Lucius, and Manaen placed their hands on Barnabas and Saul, and released them from their work in Antioch.

2 Timothy 1:9-11 (GWT) {PoG}

God saved us and called us to be holy, not because of what we had done, but because of his own plan and kindness. Before the world began, God planned that Christ Jesus would show us God’s kindness. 10 Now with the coming of our Saviour Christ Jesus, he has revealed it. Christ has destroyed death, and through the Good News he has brought eternal life into full view. 11 I was appointed to be a messenger of this Good News, an apostle, and a teacher {G1320}.

James 3:1 (GWT) {PoG}

Brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers {G1320}. You know that we who teach will be judged more severely.

Question: What are ways teaching about the Lord happens in your life—whether giving or receiving teaching?


A.      1 Timothy 4:11-14 (GWT) {PoG}

Insist on these things and teach them. 12 Don’t let anyone look down on you for being young. Instead, make your speech, behaviour, love, faith, and purity an example for other believers. 13 Until I get there, concentrate on reading Scripture in worship, giving encouraging messages, and teaching people. 14 Dont neglect the gift which you received through prophecy when the spiritual leaders {elders / presbytery (G4244)} placed their hands on you to ordain you.

1 Timothy 5:1-2 (GWT) {PoG}

Never use harsh words when you correct an {elder (G4245) that is male}, but talk to him as if he were your father. Talk to younger men as if they were your brothers, 2 {Never use harsh words when you correct an elder (G4245) that is female, but talk to her as if she were your mother}, and younger women as if they were your sisters, while keeping yourself morally pure.

Thoughts: For any in the Ministry Types that become Elders (as to the body of elders / presbytery), the Greek word is that of a Noun Neuter (G4244) and relates to the Adjective of Elder / Presbytery (G4245)—that it does not matter your gender or identity. This is the same as we saw with having female Apostles. Gender-discrimination is a religious dogma assigned to / originating from Adam and Eve's curse. Jesus demonstrated equality in His ministry of all men and women. So, let us heed the Lord’s equality, and not religious / curse inequality—because of Christ, there is neither Male / Female, Jew / Gentile, Slave / Free (Galatians 3:24-29).


B.      Luke 4:16-21 (GWT)

Then Jesus came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. As usual he went into the synagogue on the day of rest—a holy day. He stood up to read the lesson. 17 The attendant gave him the book of the prophet Isaiah. He opened it and found the place where it read:

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is with me.

He has anointed me to tell the Good News to the poor.

He has sent me to announce forgiveness to the prisoners of sin

and the restoring of sight to the blind,

to forgive those who have been shattered by sin,

19 to announce the year of the Lord’s favour.”

20 Jesus closed the book, gave it back to the attendant, and sat down. Everyone in the synagogue watched him closely. 21 Then he said to them, “This passage came true today when you heard me read it.”

Thoughts: Jesus is His fulfilment of this Scripture that pointed to Him. He was the one that was to come; and denoted this when He read of Himself from the book of Isaiah. This prophesy was satisfied fully by Jesus, but it in no way excludes you and I. When we take on those Ministry Types (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor & Teacher), we too get to fulfil our continuing part in that same prophesy.


A thank you to Kelly and Joshua who are inspirational in this life-journey. And to all the family, friends, sponsors, and donors who have fed into this ministry and outreach.

If you would like to support this ministry and outreach, you may do so via our website or at:

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